Wednesday, May 30, 2007

On the topic of "When is RR going to take the time to update her blog?"...

Yes, that's right; long time, no blog.

I don't have access to a computer at my internship, so no opportunity to update during my lunch break. At night, JLR has been working on a project for the local bar association (at least, I think that's who it's for), and, yes, I'm just lazy. That's probably the main reason for keeping y'all in the dark.

But, on the other hand (most people have five more fingers), impatientchicken has been a-bloggin' away. So if you need something to read, go to her page. It is so choice. If you have the time, I highly recommend reading it.

As to incident reports, nothing major lately, although I did have a run of days in which I spilled coffee on myself every single day. Also, at work there's a huge column right behind my desk. It's between me and the coffee maker. Odds are good that I won't make it through the summer without running into it at least once (I've already had several near misses).



Deals On Wheels said...

Oh, how I wish I could read JLR's Blog. I know I've been blocked somehow. Grrrrr...

JLR said...

Deals, I have not blocked you! You must have blocked yourself. Did you flag my blog as objectionable????!!

And thanks, RR, for both the nice comment and the good quote usage.

Lia said...

I run into walls all the time. Totally normal behavior.

RR said...

Lia: Thanks for saying that. I'll tell my co-workers that it's a scientific fact...or rather, an engineering fact, since it was an engineer who told me it was normal. :)

Deals, ha ha, but seriously, she has not blocked you. She even checked to make sure she hadn't done it accidentally.

You're welcome, JLR!

Katie said...

I'm with you on the whole running into walls thing. I've turned and run face first into so many it's a suprise I haven't broken my nose yet. Oh but the best "incident" was slamming my own head in my own car door. That takes talent my friend, TALENT.

RR said...

Ooh, Katie, that does take talent. Ouch.