Monday, January 07, 2008

Digital camera

JLR and I bought a digital camera (finally), so expect to see a lot more of this:

And by "a lot more," you know I don't mean that I'll be posting more frequently, right? Right. 'Cause you've noticed the infrequent posting. All three of you.


Lia said...

Noticed, yes.

New cameras are fun! Then you discover all the cool things you can do with your pictures, and things just get better and better.

Deals On Wheels said...

Does Wally ever get lost in his sleep?

RR said...

Deals: I'm not sure, but he probably does. But maybe not if he sleeps in my chair, on my sweater, as he frequently does.

Lia: I agree! I've been having a lot of fun with the camera. Deals can testify to my lack of camera skills, so I'll probably have a lot of pictures of floors, ceilings, and corners of desks. But still. Fun.