Friday, January 11, 2008

The Latest Round of Complaints

So, I had made the decision to be a more positive person. This was not a New Year’s Resolution but rather stemmed from two things: (1) I’m tired of being stressed all the time, and if I were more positive, maybe things wouldn’t bother me so much, and (2) believe it or not, some tapes my grandmother gave me that point out how easy it is not to stress about little things. I had been making remarkable progress (for me). But then.

Oh, but then.

Our project for my environmental planning class needed some revisions over Christmas break before we turned the final report in to the group on behalf of which it was written, and the changes need to be made by a certain date (today). I spend a very large chunk of my break making changes to the thing because the majority of my teammates couldn't be bothered. Never mind the fact that they PLAGIARIZED (as it turns out, it was more than one person using that particular style of writing). They couldn’t be bothered with the revisions. And as I don’t want to turn in bad work that could get us kicked out of school, I made the changes myself. Two other students on the team (the ones who didn’t plagiarize) said they would help but were in reality only a tiny bit of help.

I’m having some unkind, very unpositive thoughts about two certain Ph.D. students right now.


JLR said...

I'm sooo sorry, especially since you had to stay up so freakin' late to finish it. You shouldn't have to pull all nighters in the middle of your Christmas break. But at least it's over!

Lia said...

I still remember stories like this from the last time I was in school. And now, in just two short weeks, I'll be back in the same boat. My sympathies, and thanks for reminding me what I'm getting myself into.

RR said...

Oh, you're welcome, Lia. Hee hee. Welcome back.

JLR: I know, right?! But, yes, at least it's over.

The Runt said...

Dear Impatient Bee,
You no longer have to wait impatiently. Your wish has been granted.

Lazy Gnome

RR said...

LG: Hurray!