Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Incident Report -- Lately

I haven't been keeping up with a daily log, but here are some of the incidents that have occurred lately:

1. Spilled my breakfast on my pants (while at work).
2. Spent quite a bit of time ironing my shirt one night, but I hadn't been at work for long the next day when it looked like instead of ironing it, I had balled it up and stomped on it repeatedly.
3. I didn't want to get out the iron for my pants in the morning, so I used the flat iron. This had worked before, but this time I must have had styling products on the flat iron because it smudged something down the front of my pants.
4. Smudged my nail polish. So that I could go ahead and leave for work, painted over the smudge instead of removing the polish and starting over. Put lunch in fridge at work and smudged the polish.
5. Came home on lunch break to find a (still living) baby bird on the ground. Put it back in the nest.
6. Took a sip of water, spilled water down the front of my shirt.
7. Got in to my car to go to work, and something floated in to the car and landed on my pants. Attempted to brush it off the pants. Smeared the whatever it was on to the pants.
8. City council member walked in to my office while I was talking to myself.
9. On the same day as Item 8, co-worker saw me talking to myself in the parking lot.
10. Came home on lunch break to find dead baby bird on the ground.
11. Went to allergist for environmental allergy testing. Results were that I am allergic to rabbit but not pollen, dust, mold, trees, or anything like that, but that I do have vasomotor rhinitis. In other words, strong smells, changes in barometric pressure, and that sort of thing could cause what seems like an allergic reaction. JLR said that was bad because it meant I couldn't get shots to get rid of the sneezing and congestion. I said, "Whatever, sister. I do not care about such things as allergy shots because I am invincible! I can spend all day outside and not feel a thing because I am INVINCIBLE!" And then we had a lot of rapid weather changes, and I spent all yesterday sneezy and congested. Pride goeth before a fall, y'all.

And also, my eyebrows are becoming unsightly again. Must pluck soon.


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