Sunday, March 20, 2011

I spent a lot of time last night saying, "I can't believe I'm *that* stupid."

Last night, in a moment of sheer genius, I forgot I was allergic to tomatoes. No, actually, that's not true. I forgot that barbecue sauce is made with tomatoes and that I am therefore also allergic to barbecue sauce.

Took an antihistamine, probably no real harm done on the EE side, but still! I can't believe I'm that stupid.

In other news, I love kabocha squash. Come to think of it, that's not really "news," since it isn't new information. So I will amend my statement to say, On a different topic, I love kabocha squash.


Unknown said...
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VanillaC said...

Oh i dont think your silly for forgetting BBQ Sauce has tomatoes in it.. I actually have never read the ingredients for BBQ sauce and didnt know it was made with tomatoes.. hmm

RR said...

Thanks, VannillaC. I appreciate knowing at least one person doesn't think my forgetting about tomatoes in BBQ sauce doesn't make me an idiot. :)