Friday, October 07, 2005

Cheddar Sweet Potato French Fries (Fair Food Reviews, Continued)

I liked them much better than did JLR. The fries came topped with, I believe, brown sugar, which JLR didn't care for. They also came with a side of ranch, which she did care for, as did I.

I liked them, but I don't believe I'd pay 7 coupons for them again. Like the fried apple taco, I liked them enough to buy them again but not if I have to pay for them myself. I have a limited budget, after all.

[Aside to JLR: Sweet Maui Onion!]


Deals On Wheels said...

Uhmmmm...what?! You had sweet potato french fries without me?! That was the ONLY thing I was considering trying!

Alas. Now, I am on my own.

Unless, on Sunday...! :)

RR said...

What? You'll eat fair food? Yes, let's get sweet potato fries! I can pick them up on my lunch break tomorrow and bring them to you.

Amstaff Mom said...

I've had sweet potato french fries, but not at the fair and not with cheese or ranch on them. I missed it. I'm thinking that I will need a second trip to the fair.

JLR said...

Deals: your mother and "boy toy" confirmed yesterday that you do, in fact, eat fried foods, so why the look of horror Friday night when I suggested eating at the fair?