Friday, October 07, 2005

Incident Report, 10/7/05

1. Ran in to door on way to get water.
2. Ran in to door on way back from getting water.
3. Ran in to doorway.

And the other day, I accidentally keyed my own car.


Deals On Wheels said...

I am going to trip and kill myself on the bookstore rug thing. It is squishy, but a potential hazard (at least for me).

JLR said...

I have to say, I like the squishy thing. I remember thinking to myself this morning, 'oh, this is soft and squishy.' But I can see that it would pose a definite safety hazard.

Amstaff Mom said...

So sorry to hear about the own keying of the car thing. Youch.

fjelsi - feel jealousy?