Friday, February 17, 2006


JLR got that dadgum Hollaback Girl song stuck in my head the other day. We both realize that the song is not one to be recorded in the annals of Great Songwriting, and neither of us actually like the song, but it nonetheless gets stuck in our heads from time to time...usually because one of us inflicts it upon the other.

The reason for this post is to point out (to those of you who haven't already seen it) Greg Stacy's hi-larious explanation of the lyrics for "Hollaback Girl." Thanks to Mr. Stacy, instead of cringing, I now smile whenever I hear the song.


Amstaff Mom said...

Going along the lines of my "don't know anyone in the Grammy's" post, I've heard OF that song, but never actually heard it.

Of which I'm thankful. (I think.)

RR said...

Yes, AM, be very thankful. Sister, that song is a waste of space in my brain, and I do so wish it would leave.

Deals On Wheels said...


AM: You've never heard that song? How ever did you escape it?!