Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The Olympics and Women's Sports

It's Olympics time, as you already know. I would like to take this moment to complain--as I do every four years--about the women's gymnastics floor routines.  Why are women required to prance around the floor like wanna-be ballerinas, and men are not?  Why can't women simply get out there and do (amazing) tumbling passes? 

Also, I really, really hope Ye Shiwen has not been doping.  It would mean great things for women's sports if she pulled off those awesome swims without medical/chemical assistance.

And finally, kudos and congratulations to all the Olympic athletes, who inspire me and remind me that I could find at least a little time to exercise regularly.

1 comment:

JLR said...

WORD. I get so annoyed by the different standards. If showing off how graceful you are is important in a gymnast, then men should have to do it, too.