Sunday, June 10, 2007

Why I Love Dogs

Picked up Deals' dogs from the Pet Hotel today. Nothing like getting a hero's welcome from two adorable, lovable dogs to make one feel like a very special person. I'm just sorry JLR had to ride with Gypsy in her lap. But, hey, JLR, at least you got a free bath out of it, right?




JLR said...

Let me tell ya, there was not one inch of skin not covered by my clothes that she did not get. She's clever.

I have to say, I reeeaaaally didn't think she would sit in my lap the whole way. She didn't look remotely comfortable. And I kept wondering what passing cars were thinking when they saw us. We must have been a sight.

She's so cute. I think if I hadn't been laughing so much, I might have been able to get her back into the back seat. But probably not, because Haskell was taking up almost the entire back with his laying down and sighing. Dude, he did NOT like your car. Which also would have been funny if he hadn't looked so sad.

Lia said...

I hope that free bath was after getting the dog off the lap. Then again, I've never quite understood the joy of being drooled upon.

Deals On Wheels said...


Yeah, Gypsy LOVES to ride in laps. She thinks she's a little dog. As for the kisses, I think she's trying to silence you. Like, "Shhhhhhh...You know you like me up here!" It's kinda like when she decides I'm cold when lying on the couch. All of a sudden, black dog is lying on me and licking my face. She always manages to pin my arms against my body, and (conveniently enough) becomes dead weight. There is nothing dumb about that dog...

As for Haskell, he has "pathetic" down to an art form. Trevor and I are always responding to his overly dramatic sighs with, "Yeah, that's right, Hasky. You're life is SOOOO hard." This generally produces another dramatic sigh as he stomps off to his box for yet another nap. It's a good thing he's so cute...

Thank you both again for picking them up from Doggie Sleep Away Camp yesterday. Nothing makes me happier than coming home to my puppies. They are always so excited to see me (well, mostly Gypsy. Haskell always looks at me like he's holding a grudge re: I left him again). Plus, I never sleep as well without them in the house. They are like my little, canine security blankets. I love them so.

(Haskell just came out of his room, looked at us, sighed dramatically, turned around and went back to bed.)

RR said...

By the way, Deals, so sorry about the alarm.

Also, I'm so glad that JLR and I got to experience first hand Haskell's "go to bed, come out and stare at you, sigh, and go back to bed" behavior.

Lia: Sadly, the free bath was during the dog-in-the-lap car ride.

Jenn said...

It's ironic. My kids want to ride in my lap and slobber on me, too.

RR said...

Emma: Ha ha! Oh, that's funny.