Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Incident Report, 7-5-07

1. Spilled water bottle in book bag on my way to the first day of summer class.
2. Found four mystery bruises on my left knee.
3. Butter stain on my right jeans leg.
4. Gabby threw up on JLR's bed. Although this didn't happen to me, it's certainly worth reporting.
5. Was running late for first day of class; didn't have time to wash the long-time-in-traffic sweat off of me, so applied perfume in what I know is always a futile attempt to cover up sweat smell; couldn't smell the perfume on me while driving to class so applied more; several minutes later remembered that, due to my poor sense of smell, I probably wouldn't have been able to smell the perfume unless I'd bathed in it; felt sorry for the classmate who had to sit next to me. This classmate has since dropped the class. I wonder if it's because of me.



JLR said...

Dude, same thing happened to me this morning. Except instead of bees, it was a foaming squirrel.

That will make sense only to you.

Anyway, I meant that I sprayed more perfume on myself than I meant to. Luckily I had that block from the garage to the building to "air out."

RR said...

JLR: ha ha! Hee hee.

Glad I'm not the only one that happens to (not that I thought I was, but similar stories are appreciated).

Excellent use of quote. :)