Monday, September 10, 2007

Can I Add Leechblock to Leechblock?

Well, folks, only two weeks in to the new semester, and already my academic output would rate about a 7 out of 10 on the ol' Crumm-E scale.

To help increase my productivity (both quantity and quality), I've installed Leechblock. The problem is that I spend much longer than I should have just trying to find Leechblock. Moreover, I can picture myself spending a good deal of time in the next week wasting time trying to think of more sites to block myself from accessing (in other words, procrastinating...again). Grrr, RR. Grrr.

Oh, well, it's installed now, and here's hoping it will actually work.

Happy Monday, y'all!



Lia said...

That's an awesome app! I really should . . .

Luckily, they don't let us use Firefox at work. Timewasting lives on!

chirky said...

What is Leechblock? I'm guessing a program that doesn't allow you to access certain sites on the Internet.

Ummmm, why would you do that to yourself? Cannot comprehend.

RR said...

Lia: ha ha. Yes, I had the same approach to it. "I suppose I really should..." Luckily, it doesn't seem to be working! (Otherwise, I would not be checking my blog now.)

Jes: :) It's only the fear of not being productive enough to satisfy my boss, who is also one of my professors. I've gotten myself into a situation where, if I do a bad job, I could both get fired AND get a bad grade. I did not think this one through before agreeing to it.