Thursday, September 20, 2007

Incident Report, Lately

1. Knocked over moisturizer bottle while reaching for hair clip
2. A bug flew into my mouth while I was talking to a classmate in the parking lot after class
3. Hit grocery store employee's foot with my grocery cart
4. I came home from class tonight with a plastic cup from the boba tea place I go to every Thursday; the intention was to recycle the plastic cup. As I came into the house, JLR gave me a look.
"[RR]," she said reprovingly, pointing to the plastic cup I brought home last week and still haven't put in the recycle bin.
5. Had the following conservation with professor:
Me: I really enjoyed Loukaitou-Sideris's article on sidewalks.
Him: Oh, really? When did you read that?
Me: Last fall in Professor Smith's class.
Him: I'm Professor Smith.
Me: [pause due to confusion followed by embarrassment] I mean, in Professor Stone's class.

Le Sigh.



JLR said...

And is it in the recycling yet? Is it? :)

I'm sorry about your class incident. And about running over the guy's toe with the car.

chirky said...


That's a name you can't make up.

RR said...


Jes: I know, right? It's one of the few names of authors we've studied that I can manage to remember.

Lia said...

I was thinking that the bug one was pretty bad, until I read the professor run-in. Ouch.

RR said...

Lia: Oh, yes. I definitely rate the professor run-in as worse than the one with the bug. Thank you for the sympathy. :)

Amstaff Mom said...

Yeah, you had me on the bug one. *spit, spit* And then the professor one. Prof wins.