Saturday, July 23, 2005

The Call of the Yard

We don't have a yard, per se. We have two 10 ft. x 10 ft. beds in front of our apartment that are tended to by no one but JLR and me. At first, I wasn't too enthusiastic about messing with them, other than planting our annual "let's see how long they last before we manage to kill them this year" flowers. But, strangely, the plants we planted have not died (except for the daisies; I finally had to admit that they're dead, and they're not coming back). We've been so pleased with the results that we've caught some sort of yard fever. We've decided to do something with the bed in front of the vacant apartment next door, and this morning JLR mumbled something about the bed across from that. Money I had planned to save for a new pair of glasses is now being spent on mulch, sandstone, lavender, and pea gravel. Friday nights consist of a trip to Home Depot and a mosquito-ridden evening in the "yard." I don't know what we're going to do. Is there a cure? Taking a look at my parents, I would say the answer is "no."


JLR said...

It really is some kind of disease. Why else would I have spent my Friday night SWEATING and getting eaten alive by mosquitos?

Amstaff Mom said...

I just wanted to let you know that I just ran over my heel with my chair and I was attempting to scoot up towards my desk. I feel like you are the only one that would understand my pain. Thank you for your time.

Impatient Amstaff

RR said...

Ha ha! Sorry, Impatient Amstaff Mom. I don't mean to laugh at you because, yes, I do understand your pain. :)

RR said...

Hmm. Now that I think about, the wording of that last post wasn't quite right. It sounds like I'm laughing at Amstaff because I understand her pain but don't mean to do so. What I meant was, I do understand her pain, and, therefore, I don't mean to laugh.

Sheesh. Could I be any nerdier about this sort of thing?

Amstaff Mom said...

I actually "got it" the first time, so apology necessary. For extra sympathy I will mention that it was my bare heel, no sock, shoe, or sandal for protection. I was wearing my sandal, but somehow I had flexed my foot so it was wheel vs. heel. Wheel wins.

Amstaff Mom said...

and that was supposed to say "NO apology necessary".

Sheesh. I need to start reading my comments BEFORE I publish.