Friday, July 08, 2005

Updated incident report, 7/8/05

1. Tried to hang up phone handset on tape dispenser. Need caffeine.

2. Book dust on shirt. At least, I think it's book dust. I hope it's book dust...because if it isn't, it's a mystery stain. A brown mystery stain (or, as we say on condition reports, "Foreign deposit: unknown").

3. Banged elbow on metal doorframe. Ow.

4. Accidentally hit JLR's foot with cart at garden center. She then demanded that I keep an unnecessary amount of space between the two of us.

5. Accidentally hit display stand with cart at garden center.

(And now you're asking, "Who in the world let you have a cart? Haven't you learned your lesson by now?")


Amstaff Mom said...

HA HA HA!!! Good one. I mentioned on my blog this morning that:

1. I washed my hair twice.
2. Turned off the water with all the conditioner still in my hair.

Change my name to impatient amstaff.

RR said...

Hee hee. Welcome to the club. It's like the Mafia and the Hotel California--once you get in, it's hard to get out.

Amstaff Mom said...

Please don't send me to sleep with the fish.

Although sleep of any type sounds good right now.

JLR said...

Here's how I know I need more caffeine: I spent about 10 seconds staring at rr's post thinking, "why did she post Friday stuff today? Today is Monday."

Poor rr. Yet another clothing item gone the way of Foreign deposit: unknown. They don't make a stain stick for that.

chirky said...

ahahahahaha!!! can you hear me laughing, out loud?

JLR, can you hear me? because I AM.